Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sweet Cheeks

Elizabeth is showing off her beautiful OXYGEN FREE cheeks! That's right...we went to the doctor today for her 4 week check (today was also her actual due date!) and they told us that Elizabeth was doing great and no longer needed her oxygen...FREEDOM!

We also found out at the doctor that Elizabeth is up to a whopping 7lbs 9oz! That's 2lbs up from her birth weight...we have a little piglet on our hands! Today was a great day for us!


  1. What a cute little girl! Can't wait to hold her, and squeeze her, and love her....

  2. So happy for y'all! I know it must feel good to see the results of your hard work... yay! So glad you all can celebrate a great appointment and a healthy girl!

  3. She is a beauty! Happy to see bare cheeks :) Happy Easter to you all and hug my sis for me. Hugs all around. Love, Aunt Bettie the Great! XXOO
