Saturday, April 28, 2012

All Things Elizabeth

It's been warm out so we have been getting out and about...Elizabeth loves to go for rides in her stroller and get some fresh air (Mommy loves the much needed fresh air too!).  She is still sleeping quite a bit during the days but she is awake more and more so I can finally get more eyes-open pictures.  It is a little ridiculous the amount of pictures I take of her during the day (especially since she doesn't do a whole lot!) but I managed to just pick out a few of my favorites to share :)  Isn't she such a cutie?!  Enjoy!


  1. I love all the pics! You and Jessica are cranking out the posts. I love it! I need your blogs to read during my kids' naptime so I don't have to do housework! XOXO.

  2. I think my fave is the fourth one from the bottom. She's like a little model already. :)

  3. She is Beautiful (looks like her daddy. Thanks for showing those sweet legs
