Friday, March 23, 2012

More Pictures!

You have been here ya go! Sorry...I've been a tiny bit busy :)

My mom was here to visit/help for 10 glorious days. She was a HUGE help to Will and I but also got lots of good snuggle time with Elizabeth. Elizabeth sure does love her Grammy!

Elizabeth is still on oxygen but don't's not as scary as it seems. She is very healthy, her lungs are fully developed and functioning perfectly but because of her being a preemie and the altitude out here they are just helping her get a little bit more oxygen in her system. She is breathing fine on her own but just not taking as deep of breaths as they would like her to...anyone who has been here to visit and gotten out of breath knows exactly what I'm talking about. We go back to the doctor again in 2 weeks to see if she can come off of it.

Elizabeth is fine but dragging around her oxygen tank and cord sure is a pain for Will and I...oh well...the sacrifices of parenthood :)


  1. Yea! More pictures! She is super cute! Hope you guys are settling in! And yes, I like to put exclamation points at the end of every sentence. !

  2. Elizabeth is a beautiful little peanut! So glad she is doing fine and Mommy too. Emily, you look great for just having had a baby. Will is as cute as ever! We're just waiting for Molly and Justin and Loulie's baby to arrive. Molly will be very happy. She is tired and uncomfortable and big BUT beautiful!! Before long Elizabeth will have another cousin. XXOO

  3. Hi!! I love the first 2 pics... Will's BIG PAPA shirt... perfect! And the one of you, Elizabeth, and Boone. She is so sweet and perfect! Its so good to see pics of the little bundled sweetness! Hugs to all of you!

  4. Yay! She is perfect and precious and I just love her so much already! You look great and I can't wait to you again. Love love love!

  5. What a beautiful little family! Wish I could be there! Elizabeth is just beautiful and precious! Love you all...........XOXOXO

  6. Hi, this is Will's cousin, Wendy. (Well, it's really second or third cousin, or cousin once removed, or something like that!) I am enjoying all the pictures of little Elizabeth! She is quite a beauty. Congratulations to all of you; you're a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing all the pics!
