Saturday, April 7, 2012

Month One

Can you believe this sweet little girl has been with us for one month already?? We sure can't! She is growing and changing everyday right before our's pretty amazing. It has been a month of lots of "firsts"...for Will and I but especially for Elizabeth. Here is just a couple of them...

First dress :) Thanks Aunt Laura!

Tummy Time! She has to practice laying on her belly so she can get strong neck muscles and hold her head up. She can already turn her head from one side to the other! She will also turn her head to the sound of our voices...did I mention amazing?!

First Walk...we took a little stroll around the neighborhood this week since she was finally free from her oxygen. She did great and fell fast asleep!

And then there is sleeping...not a first but a favorite past time of hers but I thought this picture was too cute not to share :)

Happy 1 Month Sweet Elizabeth Parker!


  1. She looks like a doll! I love the last little bundle picture! Glad you like the dress and hat that were freebies. ;)

  2. I love her! She is beautiful just like her mommy! :) Can't wait to see you all again.
