Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poochie Paddle

We went to another exciting event last weekend...The Poochie Paddle...that's right, a Poochie Paddle.  Every year just before they close the downtown public pool for cleaning, they open it up to all the doggies for a day of swimming.  It was mass chaos!  But most dogs were in heaven, swimming, fetching tennis balls, playing with other dogs...but not Boone.  He HATED it!  He is definitely not a swimmer...he was dying to chase the balls and play with the other dogs, he was literally foaming at the mouth, but he would NOT get in the water.  Will even threw him in twice and he swam straight back to the edge frantic to get out with fear in his eyes.  Poor thing but it was hysterical.  Needless to say our Poochie Paddle experience was a quick one but it was also very amusing.

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