Friday, May 11, 2012

Two Month Doctor Visit

My sweet little lamb had her 2 month doctor visit today.  It was both good and bad...Elizabeth is doing wonderful and both the nurse and doctor said separately that she no longer looks like a preemie :)  But...she also had to get her first round of vaccinations.  I know they are necessary but they were certainly no fun for anyone...I think Will shed the most tears...not really but I am so thankful he was there!  He held Elizabeth while I looked away.  The tough cookie stopped crying before we even left the doctor's office and has been asleep ever since.

Weight: 9lbs 14oz
Length: 22 inches
Head Circumference: 15 inches

Way to go Big Girl!


  1. That is the sweetest little picture of her!

  2. She is so cute and so thankful she is such a good girl.

  3. I tell you she is a beauty!! Just like the rest of Grandma Flythe's great grands. She has done some great catching up.

  4. Bless her little heart <3. Hugs and Kisses from Nee Nee.
