Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Month Two

We celebrated Elizabeth's two month birthday on Sunday with a party, singing, and cake...not really...just the singing...but cake would have been yummy! :) 
The little girl is growing so fast.  Some days I think, I can't wait until she can _____, fill in the blank, and other days I tell her to slow it down.  
She has been smiling a lot more this month and I am more in love with it every time I see it!

She has started wearing some of her 0-3 month size clothes...

We are still working on tummy time and strengthening those neck muscles (that head is heavy with such a big brain in there!)

And this girl still loves her sleep (thank goodness!).  She is sleeping about 5-7 hours every night and it is wonderful for everyone!

Happy 2 Months
Elizabeth Parker!


  1. Happy 2 months to Elizabeth! She is precious!

  2. She is soooo cute. So looking forward to getting some loving come July

  3. Precious, adorable, pretty as a picture! Elizabeth looks like such a sweet baby. Kiss her for her Aunt Bettie the Great. Picking up a baby gift for her today and hope to get it in the mail this weekend. XXOO

  4. Love that smile! Makes me want to kiss the computer screen!
