Wednesday, May 30, 2012

At Last!

Aunt Laura came to the rescue!

I'm still working on my photography skills but luckily my fancy new camera (I will blog about that later!) and my beautiful subject matter make up for where my photography skills leave off.

Enjoy my beauty!!


  1. Those are SO good! When do you get a baby to smile on cue?! (like in the last pic with all 3 of you). And the first one in the black and pink dress is my favorite!! How did you get the blue/pink tint on the blanket (like at sunset)? She is a perfect little smiley baby doll. Can't wait to snuggle her in July!

    1. I put the camera on auto and pushed the button! I seriously have no photography's ALL the camera.

  2. Elizabeth is bee-u-ti-ful!!! She could make some serious college money as a baby model!! Love the picture of the three of you.
