Thursday, May 10, 2012

Big Brother Boone

Boone has really been trying my patience since Elizabeth has been born.  I love him but he isn't my first priority anymore and both of us are trying to learn patience with each other.  But he has been wonderful with Elizabeth and I am more than thankful for that and luckily she is a heavy sleeper and can sleep through most of his barking...lucky for him.  I guess we'll keep him...


  1. Its so funny (and cute!) to see him next to her in all the pics!! Bidding for some attention. I sorta forgot about that aspect, your other child. Yes, even Clove, as low maintenance as she is, gets on my nerves at times when I can't handle anyone else's neediness.

  2. HA! Funny how things change when you have kids. I was eating breakfast this morning (cereal) and Oliver (the cat who LOVES milk) and Audrey were both pawing me to death!! It used to be cute when it was just Oliver, but not so much these days, when I am fighting them both off of my lap.

  3. You all keep the dogs and cats and send me all of the kids! Problem solved! LOL....
