Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dump Truck Cupcakes

Last month I made snowman cupcakes for my friend Becky's daughter Makayla. One of the moms that were at Makayla's birthday party emailed me a couple of weeks ago and asked me to make cupcakes for her son, Colyer's birthday party this weekend. She told me he loved all trucks and heavy equipment so I decided on this dump truck. I thought it was SO cute and it was SO much fun to make :) She shared my information with other people at Colyer's party so I'm hoping to make more cute cupcakes soon!!

Boone Dennis

Boone got a new orange collar this week...he was unfortunately worn out from being such a stylish doggie model when I finally got around to taking his picture.

Decorating Frenzy!

Will and I spent tons of time decorating and working on our house when we first moved in and I do a little bit from time to time but recently I have been on a serious decorating kick.

Annie's is a local home consignment store and I love love love Annie's! Apparently Steamboat people like to redecorate their houses more than even I do. There is always tons of great stuff in there and different every time I go. I have lots of stuff from there, some big and some small.

I found this self there for 10 bucks! I put it up in the half bath with the cute little hand towels that my Mimi got for me :)

Candles and candle stands from Laura :)

Mom and Dad sent us a care package and it included goodies for our new dining room table. We got new placemats and a fancy new runner (thanks DAD!).

I got this at Annie's last week for 65.00...I know...what a bargain?! I have no idea what I'm going to do with it yet but it was too good to pass up (Will agrees..ha!) :) Currently it is living in our garage while I make up my mind.

We also finally got some bar stools! Will put them together for me and they look great!

Thanks everyone for helping me make my house look more homie :)

I Have the Best Partner :)

So, Partners, the mentoring agency that I work for provides monthly group activities for all of our kiddos and partnerships. Last Sunday we took 50+ people snowmobiling. It was organized chaos (organized used loosely) but we had a great time and guides that took us on a beautiful ride.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to brag on my partner, my life partner :) Will is such a great sport and comes to just about every activity with me (willingly I might add!). As I'm sure all of you already know, Will is wonderful with kids and it makes me so proud to see him being such a great help and example for these kids. He's so supportive of me and my job...I'm such a lucky girl :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love is in the Air...

Will and I celebrated our first married Valentines Day together. Will surprised me at work to take me to lunch and brought me a rose and handmade card :) He is so sweet...almost as sweet as my cupcakes...mmmm. Strawberry with white frosting and xoxo sprinkles.

We exchanged presents when we got home from work (my favorite part!)

Will got a Tempurapetic pillow (because he always tries to steal mine!) and a Steamboat FlyFisher T-shirt (I think every male in our family had one but him).

I am now the proud owner of some extra fancy fly fishing waders! Will has wader envy :)

Will even cooked me a special dinner! The best part was he said "you just sit down and relax, I will take care of everything"...I may not listen often but this time I DID! :)

I hope everyone had an extra special Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Snow, snow, snow, snow, SNOW!

It has been snowing non-stop for the past 24 hours and is supposed to just keep on coming throughout the rest of today. I think when it is all said and done with will have between 18-24 inches of new! I wanted to share with you some of the sights around my house. Keep in mind it has been snowing since November and never melts completely away. Also the wind blows like crazy sometimes out at our house so it creates huge snow drifts.

This is the view out my front door. Will has been shoveling the driveway and making this pile in our front yard (thanks a bunch). It is so high now that he can also use it as a ramp to drive his snowmobile up into the back of his truck. I think this was his plan all along!

This is the "path" out our backyard. Will uses the snowmobile to pack down a trail for Boone (and us), otherwise the snow is deep enough to completely cover him!

This is a pretty good example of a snow drift. You can tell where it isn't so deep up close to our house but has blown up really deep in our yard. (Aren't you impressed that I know these things!?)

Boone loves to play in the snow so much that even if we just let him out onto the front or back porch he is happy....view from the front.

View from the back...
He doesn't seem too sure about the back porch :)

And just think it is only the beginning of February. Last year it snowed in May! I might be buried alive by the time this winter is over.....come on Spring!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Road to Recovery

I've been taking it easy in the "recovery room" since Wednesday morning. I am finally starting to feel a little better but I haven't given up my pain meds yet either :) Will and Boone have been taking good care of me. I've been sleeping, crocheting, reading, and playing Scrabble on my Kindle. Will played with me yesterday and I thought I would kill him but he is WAY better than me. We are going to have a rematch :) I am going to attempt to go back to work tomorrow but I'm sure I will just have to take it slow. This has definitely not been a fun experience...I'm just glad I never have to do it again!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lose your teeth, not your wisdom!

I'm having quite a bit of dental work done this morning, including have all 4 wisdom teeth removed, a cavity filled (my first) and a chipped tooth filed down. Shew!

I am sure (kind of) that Will is going to be an excellent nurse. But just in case I set up my own "recovery room" :) I am planning on barricading myself in the downstairs bedroom for the next several days. Will's job is to feed me and keep Boone from jumping on my face. Otherwise, I have everything I need...Kindle, crocheting, favorite pillow, tissues, chapstick, water, food, and a walkie-talkie just in case I forgot something :)

Wish me luck!