Monday, February 10, 2014

23 Months!

We are having so much fun!  Elizabeth is busy and active and needs almost constant entertainment BUT...that means we keep busy and active and having fun!

She loves painting.  We always take her shirt off to keep it clean but now anytime she wants to paint she pulls her shirt up and says paint. Oops.

Her bathroom has become a bubble blowing location. We hadn't blown bubbles since the summer so she was realllly excited!

A brief break in the action...

We've also been going to gymnastics.  Where she can run and jump and twist and twirl (and save my furniture!).  She LOVES it!

Look at that toe point. She's a natural! :)

There's also lots of play dates!  The kiddos are just getting to the point where they can play on their own more and really with each other...and less with the mommies.  Which is SO SO nice!

It's been snowing and snowing and snowing...which is typical but still exhausting!  Anyways, we are just trying to make the best of it!

This is how we kept the girls entertained during the SuperBowl...watching movies...on a portable DVD the next room! nice!

And the usual trips to the library.  Elizabeth really wanted the gorilla to play the computer with her.  By the way...she drug the gorilla over to the computers, plopped him up in the chair, put the headphones on and was using his had to push the buttons.  It was so cute!

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