Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Way Behind is an Understatment

November Pictures

December Pictures

January Pictures

It's been a busy couple of months and time just keeps moving and babies just keep growing.  Elizabeth has changed so much the last couple of months. Can you tell?  

She's gone from saying a few words here and there to talking a lot, constantly.
She knows all of her body parts and animal noises.
She loves singing and following along to songs and motions.
She reads books, she remembers the words, she kisses the characters, shares her snacks/paci/lovie with them, and tells them all night night.
She counts...if two, free, four, six, nine, ten...counts.
She pretends and uses her imagination when she plays.
She loves her mommy and daddy and Boone. 
And boy to they love her!

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth is such a sweet little thing..Such a happy, expressive face. Emily, I'm sorry, but most of the time I either see your mom or Will in her face. And, once I saw Laura in Elizabeth. I know she brings tons of joy into your life. Kiss her for me and you and Will and Elizabeth are welcome whenever you can come to the Cape. "We'll have so much fun!" as Robert would say. We can day-trip over to Nantucket one day, visit P'town another day and eat lot of good fresh off the boat seafood! I know I'm tempting you. Love to you three and please don't send anymore snow east!!! XXOO
