Friday, February 14, 2014

Winter Carnival

Every year in February, Steamboat puts on a Winter Carnival, it's purpose is supposedly to give residents a way to break up the monotony of the (long!) winter.  Well done, Steamboat.  So, basically they close down main street, cover it in massive amounts of snow and then hold ridiculous street events.  For example, pulling kids on skis behind for time, some attempting to throw rings in a barrel as they speed by and some jumping to see who can make it the farthest.  And the most mind blowing for me...adults being pulled on metal shovels behind a horse.  And these horses are RUNNING!  I kept saying to Will, "what would possess someone to want to do that?!".  But I'm so glad they did because it provided great entertainment for me!

Elizabeth could NOT take her eyes off the horses.  She eagerly clapped with the crowd every time one of the participants passed by.  Although, I'm pretty sure Elizabeth was clapping for the "horsies" not the kids!

She got to pet the horses!  She talked about this for days afterwards.

The snow is always whiter on the other side of the fence??

We took a break for pizza and chocolate ice cream for lunch.  I ordered an extra small cup and had to battle Elizabeth for every bite!  Needless to say, she kind of likes chocolate ice cream!

This is an adult riding on a shovel...I feel pretty certain they couldn't walk to next day.  I mean these people are NUTS!

Family Photo

Check out the ski mountain in the background!

And that night there were fireworks...I clearly didn't take this picture but if you have never seen fireworks in the winter...with the reflection of the should put it on your bucket list!  So cool!

It was a great day!

1 comment:

  1. You three should take a trip to Austin to see Matt and Joanna and Sonoma. We had warm, sunny (75 to 85 degrees) weather every day last week. So nice then we came back to cold snowy Cape Cod!!!
