Monday, October 21, 2013

Annual Salyer October Trip

After a week in Virginia, Mom and Dad flew back with Elizabeth and I.  We were warmly welcomed back to the state of Colorado.  Nothing like a snow storm the first week in October!

Luckily it warmed up and we could get out for some shopping!  Mom and Dad got us this awesome couch!  We love it and it is perfect in the condo...I guess they didn't want to spend a week sitting on the floor :)

We did lots of walking and playing outside

Grampy taught Elizabeth how to trace her hand

Stopping to smell the flowers

And turtle kissing :)

Beautiful day!

Then we went to music class...hooray!

Sharing her intruments

Snuggled up for a lullaby

Fall Photos

And then this happened...

Mom and Dad got to experience Elizabeth's first dip in the snow of this year.  Too bad it was during their "fall" trip!  It snowed the day they got here and the day they left but luckily it was nice in between!

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