Saturday, October 19, 2013

And We're Back!!

Mom and Dad came to the rescue and sent us their old tablet computer! They needed to clear out space and we needed the computer so it was a win, win, win!  So now to play blogging catch up...
Elizabeth and I made a trip to Virginia the last week of September.  We stayed at Mom and Dad's house in Bristol and got to do lots and lots of visiting with friends and family.  Which we LOVE!
Mom got Elizabeth this horse which of course was a big hit!

Another big hit, Mimi's Bread. If you haven't experienced this then you are missing out!  Our Mimi makes the best homemade sourdough bread and Elizabeth had her first Mimi Bread experience this trip and she ate 3 slices at once!  This girl knows what's good!

It just also happened to be the weekend of Rhythm and Roots, a big music festival in downtown Bristol.  It was so much fun!

Elizabeth showing off her dance moves.



Helping in the kitchen.

Getting in the Bluegrass spirit!

More R&R with Grammy and Granpa 

Being silly.

Visiting Uncle Dave and Aunt Kathy's House

They have the best toys!

Playing ball.

We went with Mamaw to Cumberland Square Park to find Papaw's marker at the war memorial.

Elizabeth is standing on it in this picture, Howard J Salyer.  My other grandpa and 3 great uncles all have markers at this memorial park as well.  Pretty special for some pretty special people!


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