Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Weekend Getaway

A couple of weekends ago, Will and I decided to pack up and get away for the night.  We were already driving about an hour and a half away to Silverthorne to sell Will's truck (we got a new one! Blog coming soon!) so we just decided to stay down there and make the drive worth our while.  We spent the day shopping at the outlets (glorious!!) in Silverthorne then headed over to Breckenridge to spend the night.  It was Elizabeth's first weekend getaway and she did great!  We got a room at The Lodge and Spa at Breckenridge (sounds fancy, right? I found an awesome deal online!)...and it was beautiful!

Here are some of the views outside...

and the view inside...aren't they both beautiful??

Can you see the resemblance?

Okay, finally up and at 'em...this little girl LOVES her morning sleep!

We packed everybody up (yes, Boone was with us too.) and headed home. I should have gotten a picture of us crammed in the 4-Runner like sardines!  It was full BEFORE I made all my purchases but stuffed to the brim afterwards!  Another reason we are excited about the new truck...again blog coming soon! 

We took the scenic route home...

I mean dirt road scenic. 

But it was beautiful and well worth it!


  1. Wow, Elizabeth is such a little doll in every way. You all really scored a GOOD baby... not everyone is so blessed. ;) And this city girl could go for some CO nature views!
