Thursday, June 14, 2012

Month Three

We celebrated 3 Months with the little girl last week!  It's been a busy month...

This month she perfected her smile...

and her pout. 

I think it is hilarious the way sticks her bottom lip out already...I have a feeling she will learn to use that in her favor with her daddy very soon!

We are still working on raising that head...she is doing better and better and getting so much stronger...she still hates it though.

We had play dates with our friend, Meri :)

Lots of quality time with Aunt Katie and Uncle Drew!

And of course lots of practice on our baby modeling skills :)

 She is so cute I can hardly stand it!!  I am so thankful that I get to spend everyday with her...
Happy 3 Months, EP!

1 comment:

  1. AHHH! SO CUTE!!!!!!! Can't wait to squeeze that sweet little girl! (Maw says hi too!)
