Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dream a little Dream

So they tell me that strange and vivid dreams are all just part of pregnancy (I'm just learning as I go!). Well, I've never been much of a "dreamer" and if I do I guess I just never seem to remember them. That being said, I also haven't been sleeping well (also a part of pregnancy?) BUT on Monday night I had a wonderful nights sleep and even had a dream! It was a pretty vivid delivery/birth dream of which I will spare you the details except for this one...

I vividly recall giving birth to a red-headed Cabbage Patch Doll...yes, that's right, a RED-HEADED CABBAGE PATCH DOLL. Wow! And for those of you who might not be able to come up with a mental image on your own I have provided a picture.

Isn't she beautiful?? What beautiful blue eyes, dimples and bright orange hair...the face only a mother could love? Maybe? You guys would still love her, right?!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, we would love her! It would be a "dream" come true for Paw!... a red headed grandgirl!
