Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bristol Baby Shower

My beautiful Momma Jeanne and her beautiful daughters Stevie and Callie (she couldn't come) threw me the cutest baby shower! It was so much fun and the food and decorations were adorable! See for yourself....

The sign says "Things that Pop" and the table included Blow Pops, Rice Krispie Treats, popcorn, Ring Pops, bubble gum, balloons and a picture of me! HA! Cute, right?

Rattle cupcakes...cute and delicious!

My dear friends Buz and Jan Booker came all the way down from Pulaski to celebrate with me! It was so wonderful to see them (I hadn't since the wedding!) and so sweet of them to come.

And lots of family...

Look at this beautiful blanket my aunt Kathy made for us! It is so sweet and soft...I'm sure it will be one of our favorites!

We got lots of cute gifts and TONS of gift cards! Who knew such a tiny little thing could "need" so much stuff?!?

And best of all was the chance for 4 generations of Owens women to be together! Thanks everyone!!

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