Thursday, January 6, 2011

Drew and Katie - Part 2

We spent lots of time playing outside. Luckily we have space and "toys" here to play with so we didn't have to go far. Will and Boone showed Drew the ins and outs of the snowmobile and off he went....

Katie joined in too...

We took them to visit Fish Creek Falls which is a short little hike and it opens up to a beautiful big waterfall. Its really something special to see in every season but we were really lucky because the falls weren't completely frozen yet so you could still see the water falling into the snow. It was really usual :).

If you look closely you can see the falls...

On our way back out... :)

On Christmas afternoon we went to visit the Strawberry Park Hot Springs. We drove way way back and way way up a mountain on a snow covered road to get to the hot springs. It's natural hot springs that they have built into separate pools. It's all stone walls and sandy bottoms in each pool. They have to pools designed to where each one is at a different temperature and go from really hot to cooler as you go down. We of course stayed in the pretty hot one. It was so cold outside that some of our wet hair would freeze but we were nice and toasty. We stayed for a couple of hours which was so was great until we had to get out! That is definitely the worst part of the experience but it is well worth it :)

Shortly after we recovered from the freezing exit of the pools and smiling now that we are all bundled up and warm again....

Drew and Katie got to meet and spend some quality time getting to know their nephew dog, Boone. He was a little unsure of them at first but he warmed up really quickly :)

But Boone dog wasn't the ONLY wild animal they saw on their trip....
We spotted this moose as we were driving through one of the nicer neighborhoods in Steamboat. This guy was literally standing in this persons front yard and eating from their trees. We stopped in the road to take pictures. It was crazy how close we were to him and how he just calmly continued to eat.

We had such a great time! It was the perfect time because Will had the time off work too and even I had some days off because of Christmas. Even though we had already celebrated our "Christmas" with our families earlier in the month it was so nice to have a little bit of family here to share the holiday with and get in some rest and quality time. See you guys next time!

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