Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas

Will and I spent a relaxing, mellow Christmas at home together this year. And even though we missed seeing everyone it was kind of nice to just enjoy each other and a couple days off work. We opened presents on Christmas Eve....we just couldn't take it any longer! I didn't get very many pictures (sorry!) but we got several nice things from each other and opened the presents that had been mailed to us.

Mimi made us both scarves this year and some cute little booties for the babes.

Boone had a turn too....he got some fancy peanut butter flavored treats.

Merry Christmas from the Colorado Dennises!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Crib for Christmas!

Mom and Dad got us a crib this year as our Christmas present! I must have looked at 200 cribs last week and after agonizing and asking others opinions....I finally decided on one that I loved! I anxiously awaited it's arrival and when it got here Thursday night I was ready to put it together right then....but Will made me wait...meanie. Anyway, we got it all put together yesterday and we LOVE it!
Boone wanted to help too...he has to be right in the middle of everything.

But he quickly lost interest or was just way too tired to help :)

And then just like that it was finished...and beautiful...and looking fabulous in the nursery!

We are getting SO close!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Nursery Letters

I picked out and Mom ordered these adorable wooden letters for us for the nursery while they were out here in early October. Will and I finally...finally got them all painted and put up this weekend. And they look so good! Even if I do say so myself :) If this little girl doesn't learn her alphabet early...it's not for lack of trying!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Way to Go Will!!

Will found out yesterday that he PASSED his Professional Engineering Exam!! I couldn't be more proud of him. He took it back in October and it couldn't have been a busier time for him at work and he was trying to find time to study on top of that. He worked so hard (with lots of late nights!) and he totally deserves it!

To celebrate I went out and bought several things that I thought every Professional Engineer (sounds good, doesn't it?) needs:

A rubber band ball
A calculator
Pocket sized notebooks (they didn't have pocket protectors...I looked)
And a Mathematician set...including a protractor, triangles, ruler, mechanical pencil, etc.

I meant it to be kind of funny but I think Will was really excited about all of it....I guess that's a PE for ya! :) Love you Will...way to go!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Tree Tradition

Every year for the last 3 years Will and I have set off on an adventure to cut down our own Christmas tree...this year was no different. It is my favorite Christmas tradition!

After lots of looking through knee-deep snow....we finally found the PERFECT one!

This is a much better size tree than last year :)

Boone was too tired to help decorate.

Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving, Family Photo Shoot, Baby Shower, oh my!

We went back to Will's parents house for Thanksgiving this year and had an action packed week. Everybody came...brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends...did I mention action packed? It was really great to see everyone though and get in some quality time and lots of hugs and kisses from the kiddos.

I missed out on all the pictures that happened before Saturday. This is due to the fact that our fancy camera is no longer working correctly...ggggrrr. BUT...Black Friday to the rescue and...new camera! Yes! However, you can sneak a peek at Laura or/and Jessica's blog to see some of those pictures.

Okay, now that that is taken care of...my pictures start on Saturday with the Dennis Family Photo Shoot, as I fondly like to refer to it. Laura took charge of getting a wonderful professional photographer to come in and take family photos of all of us together as well as some of our individual little families. We don't have the professional ones back (I'm sure we will all share as soon as we do!) but these are some that got taken with our lovely new Black Friday purchased camera :)

Who knew the Dennises (I just learned last week that this is the correct way to write the plural of a Dennis...strange I know!) were such fabulous models?

Don't worry, she's not dead....just exhausted from all the posing. Modeling is hard work people!

And just like that we are on to the baby shower...(I mentioned action packed right? Okay, just checking.)

The girls all worked so hard to plan, prep, cook, and host for me my first ever baby shower! And it actually turned out to be lots of fun...I must admit I was dreading it just a little bit (so. much. attention. ) but everyone was so nice and the girls even let me weasel my way out of any game playing. Thanks, girls!

I was though, so nervous that I dropped my first present in the floor (well that and my lap is shrinking by the second!). It gave new meaning to breaking the ice/tension/present?... I quickly got over it.

Yummy food.

If only my plate would have been bigger :) Don't worry...going back for seconds worked just as well.

My sweet "Wishing Tree". People could write words of wisdom, advice, encouragement, demands, threats (just kidding!). They were wonderful and I read and kept them ALL.

I got LOTS of great gifts....

Like this really expensive (wink, wink) set of Baby Einstein movies from Kelly.

And this beautiful handmade blanket.

And these super cute boots from my dad! He has great taste doesn't he? It must be genetic :)

Lots and lots of great gifts! I have a feeling this baby will be very loved!

And I was THRILLED that my Mom and Kelly, my friend/sister/model mother/partner in crime could both be there to join in the festivities. Dad was there too...he just hid during the festivities :)

Thanks everyone! We were two very happy girls!

Monday, November 21, 2011


My girls at work helped me celebrate my birthday in style...clearly :) I got fun and glamorous gifts, they decorated my office AND........

took me to breakfast! And if my large glasses and sparkling jewelry wasn't enough to draw attention, we went through the drive thru in our bright red 15 passenger van...shamelessly. Happy Birthday to me!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Halfway There!

20 weeks down....20 more to go!

I thought this was a milestone worth celebrating. The little girl is growing everyday (sometimes it feels like every second!). She is about 10 1/2 ounces and 6 1/2 inches long...apparently about the size of a cantaloupe. That's big...especially compared to the size of a kidney bean which is where she started! We can both feel her moving around in there and I have a feeling she is going to be a GREAT gymnast! We're still struggling with names but either way we are super anxious to meet her :) Come on April 4th!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pretty in...anything but Pink :)

As I'm sure most of you have heard....Will and I are going to be the proud parents of a precious baby GIRL!! We are so excited and now agonizing over names...hopefully we will agree on one by the time she gets here...hopefully.

We didn't want to have the doctor tell us in the doctor's office so she wrote the gender on the ultra-sound picture and put it in an envelope for us. We went to a special spot by the river to open the envelope together. It was a really sweet family moment...even Boone was with us :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Family Fun Day

Will and I went to the shooting range last Saturday. It was so FUN! And a fabulous stress reliever I might add. Too bad I could barely move my arm for two days...oh well.

The babes needed ear protection too :)