Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving, Family Photo Shoot, Baby Shower, oh my!

We went back to Will's parents house for Thanksgiving this year and had an action packed week. Everybody came...brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends...did I mention action packed? It was really great to see everyone though and get in some quality time and lots of hugs and kisses from the kiddos.

I missed out on all the pictures that happened before Saturday. This is due to the fact that our fancy camera is no longer working correctly...ggggrrr. BUT...Black Friday to the rescue camera! Yes! However, you can sneak a peek at Laura or/and Jessica's blog to see some of those pictures.

Okay, now that that is taken care pictures start on Saturday with the Dennis Family Photo Shoot, as I fondly like to refer to it. Laura took charge of getting a wonderful professional photographer to come in and take family photos of all of us together as well as some of our individual little families. We don't have the professional ones back (I'm sure we will all share as soon as we do!) but these are some that got taken with our lovely new Black Friday purchased camera :)

Who knew the Dennises (I just learned last week that this is the correct way to write the plural of a Dennis...strange I know!) were such fabulous models?

Don't worry, she's not dead....just exhausted from all the posing. Modeling is hard work people!

And just like that we are on to the baby shower...(I mentioned action packed right? Okay, just checking.)

The girls all worked so hard to plan, prep, cook, and host for me my first ever baby shower! And it actually turned out to be lots of fun...I must admit I was dreading it just a little bit (so. much. attention. ) but everyone was so nice and the girls even let me weasel my way out of any game playing. Thanks, girls!

I was though, so nervous that I dropped my first present in the floor (well that and my lap is shrinking by the second!). It gave new meaning to breaking the ice/tension/present?... I quickly got over it.

Yummy food.

If only my plate would have been bigger :) Don't worry...going back for seconds worked just as well.

My sweet "Wishing Tree". People could write words of wisdom, advice, encouragement, demands, threats (just kidding!). They were wonderful and I read and kept them ALL.

I got LOTS of great gifts....

Like this really expensive (wink, wink) set of Baby Einstein movies from Kelly.

And this beautiful handmade blanket.

And these super cute boots from my dad! He has great taste doesn't he? It must be genetic :)

Lots and lots of great gifts! I have a feeling this baby will be very loved!

And I was THRILLED that my Mom and Kelly, my friend/sister/model mother/partner in crime could both be there to join in the festivities. Dad was there too...he just hid during the festivities :)

Thanks everyone! We were two very happy girls!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, so fun to see all the pics. It was action packed and so much fun! We didn't want to be bored. We loved celebrating both of you girls and getting to see your parents and Kelly... Your mom and Lily--- so cute together!! And your girl is a loved little one! Thanks for coming. It was so fun to all be together! XOXO!
