Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pretty in...anything but Pink :)

As I'm sure most of you have heard....Will and I are going to be the proud parents of a precious baby GIRL!! We are so excited and now agonizing over names...hopefully we will agree on one by the time she gets here...hopefully.

We didn't want to have the doctor tell us in the doctor's office so she wrote the gender on the ultra-sound picture and put it in an envelope for us. We went to a special spot by the river to open the envelope together. It was a really sweet family moment...even Boone was with us :)


  1. Hi Emily, It was so sweet of Will to call yesterday. We both enjoyed talking with him. And, he is so excited about your little girl in the oven. We too are excited about a new little girl coming into our family. So glad you're feeling so good. XXOO Bettie

  2. YAY! We are SO excited! And can't wait to see you next week!
