Friday, January 23, 2015

Kiawah New Years Wedding

We packed up and headed to Kiawah a few weeks ago to celebrate my cousin Meg, her husband Chris and their sweet baby Hatton.  

On the way there we stopped in Augusta for lunch and some play time with our sweet friends. This is Elizabeth and one of their girls, Maddie.  

We did some Christmas celebrating since we weren't together for Christmas this year. 

E got the most...surprise surprise :)

This girl LOVES the beach! She was so happy to be in the sand and water she didn't care how cold it was!

We checked out the bookstore...

And just made ourselves at home :)

Roasting marshmallows!

The happy family

And beautiful bride!

And some family photos...

We had a great time celebrating, relaxing and just enjoying each other! Happy 2015!

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