Thursday, July 24, 2014


Elizabeth is talking and talking and just within the last couple of weeks she's started having actual conversations and it's hysterical.  It has been one of my favorite milestones with her because she is VERY chatty and says some of the sweetest/smartest/funniest things.  I keep meaning to write them down and then forget or get busy or one of many things happen to side track me.  But tonight's was too good to not document.

We have been talking about feelings a lot (it's the counselor in me!) and doing feeling faces in the mirror etc. At night she has been asking me, Mommy are happy? And I'll say yes and sometimes she gives me a hug, another night she said Elizabeth happy too, and tonight she said, Mommy are happy? And I said yes, are you? And she said No, (laughed) Elizabeth crazy!  And we both laughed. Is she not the sweetest?!




Surprised...or maybe crazy :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this too!!! Its just all so entertaining and amazing! Can't wait to see y'all soon!
