Monday, July 28, 2014

We Love Summer!

We are leaving today to start our trip to Virginia with Will's family for a week + so I'm trying to get completely caught up on my blog before we go. I know there will be so much to share when we get back!

So here is a random assortment of the last couple of weeks!

First, Will Dennis took a little trip to the ER due to a softball accident. He was running/sliding into second and the second baseman failed to catch the ball, instead it got Will right in the face. Four stitches, a fat lip and really sore jaw was the damage. These boys!

On Tuesdays the movie theatre offers $2 kids movies so I took E for her first movie theatre experience last week. She LOVED it! Her least favorite part was the chair. She's not heavy enough to keep it from folding up on her. That's ok, I will happily snuggle with my girl for 2 hrs :)

We rode the Gondola up with some friends!

And played in the rocks for literally an hour! Oh the little joys!

Such sweetness!

Story Time and a craft!



Picking out movies

And MORE swimming!

See you people when we get back!!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Rodeo and Baby Lambs

Look at this little cutie in her dress and boots!

She will ride any horsie you put in front of her!

First date :)

That blue blur in the front is Elizabeth running out to chase the baby lamb.

I guess it was a good date :)

Will works with a girl who knows people with baby lambs and they let us come over so E could check out the animals!

She got to feed the baby lambs and was so excited. The lambs were excited too, they tried to suck the bottle right out of her hands.

She also got to feed the mama sheep and the horses right out of her hand.  Her face was priceless!

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Elizabeth is talking and talking and just within the last couple of weeks she's started having actual conversations and it's hysterical.  It has been one of my favorite milestones with her because she is VERY chatty and says some of the sweetest/smartest/funniest things.  I keep meaning to write them down and then forget or get busy or one of many things happen to side track me.  But tonight's was too good to not document.

We have been talking about feelings a lot (it's the counselor in me!) and doing feeling faces in the mirror etc. At night she has been asking me, Mommy are happy? And I'll say yes and sometimes she gives me a hug, another night she said Elizabeth happy too, and tonight she said, Mommy are happy? And I said yes, are you? And she said No, (laughed) Elizabeth crazy!  And we both laughed. Is she not the sweetest?!




Surprised...or maybe crazy :)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Summer Fun

We've been busy! 

 Movie on the Mountain! 

Lots of outside time!

And movies :)

First ice cream cone!  It was a hit!

Beach day!

Oh...just talking on the phone...

Concert in the park with these sweet girls!


Snuggle buddies! 

We had two birthday parties to go to in one weekend!  All of Elizabeth's friends are turning two this summer so it's a long string of birthday parties all.summer.long!

Birthday Party #1

Headed to party #2

We rode the gondola up to the top of the mountain for this party!  E loved it. She kept saying going high, going high!

Bottoms Up, kiddos!

Going down, going down!

First pigtails, she's asked for them every day since!

What a pretty princess :)

And if she's not wearing her dress, she's naked. Totally naked.  It's been so hot that I don't blame her or object to seeing that cute booty all day!