Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy Day Daddy!

We had a great Fathers Day! We walked to the mountain to have breakfast with friends and E got to play at the "beach" at the base of the mountain.

And a ride on Daddy's shoulders is always fun!

There were presents...

And ice cream!

And a walk downtown...which led to this craziness...to the daddy who keeps us laughing (or eye rolling!). Ha!

Fake horsies...

And real horsies!  The rodeo is in town for the summer (we are going this weekend, expect pictures!) and we went to check out the animals at the rodeo grounds.

She kept calling this horse the "old grey mare" like from the song. So cute!

And HUGE bulls. We didn't pet those! And not so cute...

What a fun and special day!  Happy Fathers Day to all the special dads in our lives! We are so lucky!!

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