Monday, November 4, 2013

Denver with the Girls

Last Monday my friend Autumn and I decided we needed to get out of town so we packed our bags, the girls and jumped in the car that afternoon.  No time like the present, right??  We headed to Castle Rock, CO where Autumn's parents live.  And they kindly hosted 2 girls AND 2 babies for a couple of days.  We were incredibly grateful!

Elizabeth had been riding rear facing in her car seat up until this point.  We turned her around for the first time and she went wild!  She was so excited at everything she could see out the windows.  She was pointing and saying, Moo, Tree, Nay Nay.  She couldn't get everything out fast enough.  It was so sweet!

We did some shopping!  Don't worry...we didn't buy this hat.

We took the girls to the aquarium and since it was a Wednesday afternoon there was hardly anyone there so the girls ran from fish tank to fish tank taking it all in.

"Pat, patting" the sharks.

Mission: Wear Girls Out = Success!

We stayed until Thursday morning when we had to hurry back for Halloween Festivities!

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