Friday, July 19, 2013

Dusting Off the Camera

My camera got buried somewhere in all the hustle and bustle of packing and moving but I found it...knocked the dust off...and started taking pictures this week.  Here are a few of my favorites!

We frequently take Elizabeth to the child care room at the gym and twice this week the women keeping her have commented on what a "big personality" she has!  Can you tell??

I frequently find her like this in the mornings.  While I'm making breakfast, etc. she walks back into her room, climbs into her chair and starts "reading" her books.  I peek in on her and she is just babbling away as she turns the pages.  So sweet!

Bike ride with Daddy!

And these two girls...oh. I love them so.  I should do an entire Elizabeth and Meri blog post.  They have been friends since before they were born (Her mom, Autumn and I met in child birth class and became fast friends!).

Blue-eyed Beauties!

1 comment:

  1. So so cute! Mom has showed me some walking videos! And she's getting hair!! I love that babbling while reading books stage! Its so fun to watch it all unfold.
