Thursday, July 11, 2013

16 Fun Filled Months!

Shew...16 Months!  This girl is definitely keeping me on my toes but she is still just as sweet as can be!

She has 12 teeth (all 4 molars at the same time...thank you baby ibuprofen!)
She loves putting on mommy and daddy's shoes
She pushes anything with wheels
She climbs on anything she can reach
She "talks" constantly and has recently become a baby parrot

She loves to put on your glasses/sunglasses

She wants to hold everything she eats herself...

But she can't be trusted to hold the entire box.  Mommy oops!

Climbing on boxes.

She had cold cereal and milk for the first time.  Success!

She loves her Boone.  Each morning when I go in to get her Boone goes with me and she squeals "Boooo" with delight and reaches for him.

She makes some silly faces.

Mmmm watermelon!

New puzzles.

Learning body parts.

And this little milestone!

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite post ever! Also, is it bad that her being in a new carseat makes me sad?
