Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Elizabeth's First Camping Trip

We took Elizabeth on her first camping trip a couple of weekends ago (sorry I keep getting so far behind!).  I was a little bit nervous but we had the best time!  We drove to Moab, Utah and camped in Arches National Park.  And it was BEAUTIFUL!  

We set up our campsite (can you believe this is our campsite?!) and set out to do some hiking and find more arches!

Thanks for the ride, Dada.

Landscape Arch

Checkin' things out.

Um, someone going to get me out of this thing?! 

She love, love, loved playing in all the sand.  We were all covered in red sand and it was in everything we owned.


We were all filthy. Filthy. But it was well worth it because we had such a great time!


  1. Oh, yay! I have been waiting for these pictures. It looks as if Elizabeth had a blast! Can't wait to see y'all in three days!!!!!

  2. WOW! It looks like SO MUCH FUN! Way to go, Em, in braving camping with a one year old. Glad it turned out good. It makes me want to come visit. Its so cool that you have all of that so close by. See you in 2 days!!!
