Monday, May 6, 2013


Two weekends ago we headed down to Denver for a little weekend getaway to celebrate our anniversary and to get out of the snow covered town!  We went to the aquarium, children's museum AND the zoo!  We took it all in and enjoyed some sunshine and warmer weather.


Elizabeth and Will petted the stingrays!

And Will even fed them! I think he was having more fun than the rest of the kids there. Ha! 

The children's museum was so much fun! They had an entire area just for babies Elizabeth's size to play and explore.  And she took full advantage.

Then we headed upstairs to check out the bigger kids toys...She thought the giant bubble making machine was hysterical.

And this thing...

We loved being outside and checking out the zoo!

Will's favorite...

My favorite...


1 comment:

  1. Such fun, happy pictures! Love them all... lots of smiles!! Glad you all got away from the snow! Can't wait to see you in less than two weeks for some toes in the sand!!
