Thursday, November 15, 2012

8 Months!!

Happy 8 Months to my energetic little girl!  She is so full of life and energy these days.  It is so fun to watch her grow and learn and play.  She is smiling most of the time and squeals frequently with excitement and joy! 

This month she has learned to sit up on her own (mostly...we still have a few nose dives and head bonks!).  She loves reading books with her daddy, playing/chewing on everything she can get her hands on, grabbing and patting at your face and rolling, rolling and more rolling. 

She loves music and "dancing" and bouncing, bouncing and more bouncing.  She bounces in her seat, bounces on the floor, bounces in your lap.  Basically anywhere we set her feet down, she bounces. 

And eats.  This girl LOVES to eat.  I have been making about 90% of her baby food for her and there is nothing that this girl won't eat.  Some she loves more than others, like PEAS, and sits like a little bird with her mouth open waiting for the next bite, and others like SPINACH, that she will eat slower and with a little extra force.  Her current diet consists of: peas, green beans, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, pears, blueberries and prunes (only when necessary!)

And 3 teeth...all on the bottom.

She's a beauty!

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