Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gobble Gobble!

We had a nice, quiet, little Thanksgiving at home this year.  We missed being with everyone but it was so nice NOT to be traveling for a change.  Will had 4 days off and it was so nice just to spend them here together (I can't remember the last time that happened!).  It was so nice to sleep in, relax, get some stuff done around the house AND spend time with our favorite little turkey!  Did I say "so nice" enough?  Clearly I meant it!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

I had the BEST birthday this year!  Will made me breakfast, we took a family trip to the pool, we had lunch with friends, I got to shop while Will took EP home and then our gracious friend babysat while Will and I went out to dinner and then a quick trip to the grocery store bakery to "steal" some cupcakes.

Will bought me this dress...that's right...I said Will bought me this dress!  Talk about surprised!  It was my birthday present from him as well as a surprise dinner date!  Try to keep your cat-calls to a minimum please :)

So, apparently the Safeway Bakery is not open at 10 pm and every girl needs a cupcake on her birthday so Will took matters into his own hands.  It's a little hard to see but if you look closely that is Will behind the counter, breaking in to the cupcake case!

Mission Accomplished!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Last Day of Music Class

We were a little sad for music class to be ending...but because it was the last class we got a special treat....


Thursday, November 15, 2012

8 Months!!

Happy 8 Months to my energetic little girl!  She is so full of life and energy these days.  It is so fun to watch her grow and learn and play.  She is smiling most of the time and squeals frequently with excitement and joy! 

This month she has learned to sit up on her own (mostly...we still have a few nose dives and head bonks!).  She loves reading books with her daddy, playing/chewing on everything she can get her hands on, grabbing and patting at your face and rolling, rolling and more rolling. 

She loves music and "dancing" and bouncing, bouncing and more bouncing.  She bounces in her seat, bounces on the floor, bounces in your lap.  Basically anywhere we set her feet down, she bounces. 

And eats.  This girl LOVES to eat.  I have been making about 90% of her baby food for her and there is nothing that this girl won't eat.  Some she loves more than others, like PEAS, and sits like a little bird with her mouth open waiting for the next bite, and others like SPINACH, that she will eat slower and with a little extra force.  Her current diet consists of: peas, green beans, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, pears, blueberries and prunes (only when necessary!)

And 3 teeth...all on the bottom.

She's a beauty!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Take 2

Because we didn't get enough candy the first time...we went again.  No really it was because our little community does trick or treating the weekend before Halloween and then Steamboat does their Halloween festivities the night of.  Either way we have had way too much candy.

Did someone say Trick or Treating?!?

Oh boy!!

We went with our friend, Meri and ran into our other friend, Ryder.  We were all in childbirth class together and can't believe how big our babies are now!

Elizabeth wasn't too sure of everything that was going on.  They block off all of downtown and there is lights, music, hundreds of people dressed up...it was a little much even for me.  But my girl sure was thankful to have her daddy there to snuggle with.