Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dinosaur National Monument

Guess where we went last weekend??  Okay, okay...we went to Utah.  Utah is actually only about 2.5 hours away from us.  We headed to a place called Dinosaur National Monument to check out an exhibit of dinosaur fossils.

So I will do my best to explain...apparently a long, long, long time ago this site was home to a vast river...there was a drought and then a flood that killed lots of dinosaurs and washed them down the river...they created some type of "log-jam", buried and then discovered.  The rock around them was preserved and that is what they built the structure around for the monument.

I'm not typically into disosaurs and fossils but I had to admit this was pretty fascinating!


I think this was my favorite picture of the day...look at sweet, tiny Elizabeth checking out that big dinosaur...

Another fun day in the books for the Dennis Family!


  1. Looks like fun! I wanted to take Evan there before we left but just ran out of time. Cool pics!

  2. What fun things the Will Dennis family does. And I love that sweet, tiny Elizabeth! Aunt Bettie the Great

  3. What great memories you are making. I need to see you Emily! But love looking at my beautiful Elizabeth and my handsome son Will. Have a great weekend Love Mom
