Wednesday, July 18, 2012

4 Months!

We celebrated 4 months with our sweet Elizabeth at the River (those pictures to come!).  She had her 4 month check up today and here is how she weighed in:

Weight: 11lb 7oz (5th percentile)
Length: 22.5inches (2nd percentile)
Head Circumference:  16inches (35th percentile)

She's completely healthy and doing all the things a typical 4 month old should do!!  This was a big deal since she was a preemie...they expected her to just be at 3 months developmentally and she surprised everyone!  But this girl is not new to surprises!

Here's some pictures from throughout the month...


  1. Elizabeth is growing into a perfect little doll. Kisses for her from her Aunt Bettie the Great.

  2. Miss her so much!!!! So cute!! I miss her mom and dad also. Kisses from Maw and Paw

  3. She is so so cute!! Glad she had a good check up. :)
