Sunday, October 9, 2011

Salyer Visit 2011

Mom, Dad, my Aunt Kathy and Uncle David came to visit us for 10 whole days. It was so wonderful to have them here for some quality time, good food and LOTS of laughs. We can always count on them for that. We had a wonderful time but it went by much too fast. Good thing I have a pretty good excuse for them all come back in April :)

There was some girl time...

Some boy time...

And LOTS of togetherness!

We stopped for a picnic on our road trip to Glenwood Springs. It was yummy!

There was even lucky are we??

Spades playing...can you guess who the losers were? I will give you a hint it was Kathy and Will (they did redeem theirselves though...I believe the final record was 4-2...they got the 2).

Photo shoot (before the snow...thats right, it snowed while they were here!)

This was day 1. Notice how we are all dressed...

This is the last day. The weather changed a little bit but we didn't was an adventure!

We love you guys!! Thanks for coming to see us!

1 comment:

  1. SO... is it officially announced? You look cute! Glad y'all had fun!
