Sunday, December 26, 2010

"Christmas" in Virginia - Dennis Visit

The Dennis Visit

We headed down to Lawrenceville after seeing the Meyers off on Thursday morning. Laura came down with Peter and Lily and we got to spend the day visiting and playing with the kiddos. Will spent some quality time hunting with John while I stayed inside by the warm fire (it was freeezing outside). I was a little under the weather Thursday night and Friday but really appreciated the time to rest and recover as well as the great care I received. This gave Will the chance to catch up on some much needed quality time with his family. Holly and Glenda came to visit and on Saturday the whole Dennis clan got together for their annual Christmas festivities. Once again we had great food and good company. Saturday night after everyone left we had our own little Dennis Christmas. We shared lots of love, laughs and even a few presents!

All in all it was a wonderful trip spent with some really wonderful people. Will and I are so blessed to have such gracious and loving families! Until next time....

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