Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Job!

I finally got a job!! As you know I have been on the search for a teaching job since I moved to Colorado in January. After several opportunities and interviews I was still unsuccessful and had settled on working as a substitute teacher and volunteer in order to get my foot in the door and my name out there to hopefully have a better chance in an extremely competitive job market. On a whim (and because I already had my resume together), I applied for a job at a non-profit agency called Partners. And.......I GOT IT!! I am really excited about this job and start tomorrow (8/16) I will be the Case Manager and oversee the "partnering" of at risk youth with adult volunteers. I think it is a really great program and something that I believe strongly in so I am very excited that I have been given this opportunity and will be able to work with such a great outreach agency!

So even though this is a change in directions from the teaching path I was on I think it is a great opportunity for me to do something good and as my mom so wisely reminded me.....

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans" -John Lennon

Check out the Partners website if you want to find out a little more about the program and what I will be doing :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily,
    I hope your new job is going well. You're perfect for that job! Love keeping in touch with you and Will through your blog. You two look so happy!! XO Bettie
