Monday, June 27, 2011

Life Skills Camp

For work, me and 3 other insane adults took 12 polite, well behaved, respectful, middle school aged children (please note the sarcasm) to Estes Park Colorado for what we call Life Skills Camp. We stayed at the YMCA of the Rockies It was an exhausting but rewarding week. We participated in lots of great guided activities like hikes, zip line, camp fires, and ropes courses. My favorite was the high ropes course. We had a crash course in climbing and climbing equipment and off we went, or should I say, up we went. We climbed on "staples" in trees up 35 feet and then "chose our own challenge" as they liked to keep telling us, of which course we wanted to take.

It definitely tested your courage, balance and I certainly questioned my sanity but was more than proud of myself and all the kids for completing the course...

The only way down was to zip line. As you can tell I was screaming my head off the entire way down. Whatever helps, right?

Group shot.

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