I'm having quite a bit of dental work done this morning, including have all 4 wisdom teeth removed, a cavity filled (my first) and a chipped tooth filed down. Shew!
I am sure (kind of) that Will is going to be an excellent nurse. But just in case I set up my own "recovery room" :) I am planning on barricading myself in the downstairs bedroom for the next several days. Will's job is to feed me and keep Boone from jumping on my face. Otherwise, I have everything I need...Kindle, crocheting, favorite pillow, tissues, chapstick, water, food, and a walkie-talkie just in case I forgot something :)
Wish me luck!
If I ever get lost or stranded on an island, I think I would want it to be with you........boy do you know how to be prepared! Glad you are feeling better.