Sunday, May 24, 2015

Meri Visits Elizabeth

Elizabeth's best friend Meri came to visit us all the way from Colorado! We planned the trip months ago and never told the girls until they saw each other at the airport!

Autumn braved an airplane ride by herself with her two girls. All we had to do was go pick them up...

And then the moment came! It was so special and exciting!

We are all loaded up!! That is 7 people...2 babies, 2 big girls, 2 mamas, and a Will :)

We started our busy week with the strawberry farm...

The girls picked baskets full of strawberries.

And this girl was a handful!

Day 2 was Legoland

Elizabeth is still talking about this movie! She wants to know if she's going to get sprayed with water every time we watch a movie now!

Day 3 - Catch Air an indoor playground

Again, these girls are hard to handle. 

They cool.

Dinner al fresco 

And a bath.

Day 4 - the Botanic Garden Park in Atlanta

Day 5 - We took the girls to paint pottery

They picked out their own pieces and worked so hard on them!

Some baby snuggles.

Day 6 - we stayed home and played outside in the sprinkler.

Two extra happy girls...the week was a success!

Autumn and I were utterly exhausted and barely had a moment to even speak to each other but this trip wasn't about us...the girls were in best friend heaven. 

I found E napping like this one day while they were here. Exhausted and in love❤️

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