Thursday, September 4, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

We had a FULL but fun weekend.  It started Saturday with an airshow in Steamboat. It was so fun and really impressive!

Elizabeth got to sit in a helicopter which she thought was just the greatest!

Sunday we drove to Denver for a wedding. E loved all the girls in pretty dresses carrying flowers :)

She also loved the dancing!  This girl had no nap and we had to tear her off the dance floor at 9 pm. She couldn't get enough!

Monday we did some Bass Pro shopping.  E was amazed by all the animals and fishies in the store. Free zoo! Ha!

She kind of liked these too...

We stopped for more shopping on our way home and E and I rode the shuttle. She gets so excited over riding a bus and to make it even better the driver gave her a sucker.

First ever!

We hope everyone had an awesome long weekend!

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