Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Date with Mommy

Elizabeth and I had a very special day together last week. The sun was out and we needed to be out of the house!

We went to the bookstore and E picked out two new books! She was so excited and proud.

She waited so patiently while we checked out and carried the bag all the way to the car :-)

We decided it was too nice out and we weren't ready to go home yet. So, we walked a couple of blocks to get lunch. Elizabeth talked the entire way about everything she saw. She also stepped on/in every rock, leaf, mud puddle, snow and even GRASS!

We read our new books while we waited for our pizza.

And who could deny this sweet girl something sweet?! Chocolate ice cream is her favorite!

Then we walked back in similar fashion to the walk there. This time it started to snow on us so we made it back a little faster :-)

What a great day with my big girl!

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