Tuesday, August 27, 2013


So...obviously traveling has changed quite a bit for us since the addition of Elizabeth.  Elizabeth has traveled lots in her little life so far but each time is new and different...and always an adventure.  We definitely have to allow more time and patience and flexibility than we used to...but it's fun...and totally worth it.

First we drive to Denver...
but we have to stop at the park halfway for some leg stretching and energy burning.


Getting on the plane in Denver.

I will never travel again without a dvd player and movies...oh the things I swore I would never do. Ha!

She typically still takes her bottle when we are landing to help her little ears adjust.

And as usual, the trips are over way too soon (see previous post!) and then we are back on a plane again...can you tell she was exhausted?!

Bass Pro Shop!
We typically take advantage of the opportunity to burn some energy for Elizabeth and shopping for Mommy and Dada!

Fishie kisses.


Happy, happy, happy.

Could somebody please get that baby a ball?!

Ball the size of baby...doesn't stop her!

And back to the park again...

So...after an early morning, 2 airplanes, 1 lost sippy cup, 1 lunch box full of food left on a plane, and 7 hours between the Denver Airport and our house...we finally made it home.  See you people again in a few weeks!

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