Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just to Keep You Interested...

Elizabeth and I have been in for Virginia for 3 weeks now (were leaving Sunday).  We had originally planned to come in early March for Elizabeth's birthday party but my grandfather got sick and we decided to come early.  Elizabeth and I made special visits to see him and I am thrilled to report that he is doing really good and got to come home last Saturday!
 While we've been here we have become regulars at the local library.
Introduced Elizabeth to some serious shopping!

Sunday School

We (I) have eaten A LOT

But luckily, walked a lot too...
Susan was my walking buddy...we even walked in the mall on the days it was too cold to walk outside.  That was a new experience for both of us! We had to document it by taking a self-portrait with the vacuum cleaners in Sears. Ha!

We would also visit Susan's doggies Max and Charlie.  This picture is with Max (Charlie was too interested in eating to have his picture made!).  Elizabeth LOVES dogs! And Max and Charlie loved licking her.  Her hair would be standing straight up with dog slobber by the time we left.  

But most importantly we have had lots of quality time with all the people we love!


 And lots of laughs too!
(There's also been a BIG birthday party too...those pictures will be coming soon!)

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