Friday, December 7, 2012

Getting Creative

I am thankful every single day that I get to stay home with my little girl.  BUT, I have to admit some days we both get B.O.R.E.D. bored.  I mean honestly, how many times can a person rotate between a bouncy seat and playing on the floor??

So we've get getting a little creative/crazy (you can be the judge). 

Riding the "baby train" around the house.


Baby in a box.

Water, oil, and beans in a ziploc bag (I know, I know, but it did successfully keep her entertained for a small period of time)


Corralled in the Pack & Play

And why not just bounce outside?

I'm open to suggestions....

1 comment:

  1. I love the water oil and beans idea! It does get easier as they get older with reasons to get out. :)
