Friday, September 14, 2012

6 Months!!

6 Month Stats:
Weight - 13lbs. 10oz.
Length - 26 inches
Head Circumference - 16.8 inches

There is lots of laughing, playing, singing, dancing, eating, sleeping, walking and discovering going on at our house these days.  Elizabeth is so much fun to be with all day!  It is so fun to watch her grow and is literally happening right before my eyes everyday. 

This month she grabs her toys, rolls over constantly (only from her back to her belly still, she still gets really mad after awhile on her belly but hasn't figured out how to get back), eats and enjoys rice cereal with apple or prune juice, loves walks in her Baby Bjorn and has discovered her hands.  She LOVES her hands!  She stares and them, opens and closes her fingers, and turns them front to back...she is fascinated with them and they can keep her entertained for long periods of time.

Happy Half Birthday, EP!


  1. SO FUN! She is so precious and its all just amazing to watch... love it, love her! Happy Half, EP! Loved seeing y'all and snuggling her. XOXO.

  2. She is absolutely a sunshine girl! Love your pictures.
