Saturday, July 9, 2011

Looks are Deceiving...

Will and I decided that it would be fun and relaxing to take our neighbors canoe up to the FlatTops and spend some time on the, reading, and RELAXING. Except that is not exactly what all. Despite what the pictures show...Boone wouldn't sit still which means the boat was rocking, I was holding on for dear life while having a heart attack, Will was attempting to fish but I couldn't take it. Will dropped Boone and I off on the shore after Boone jumped off the side and hung himself with his leash. Maybe 5 minutes on the shore and we were attacked by killer mosquito's and Boone whined so loud he was disturbing everyone else there...shew...I'm getting stressed just writing this!

So back in the canoe we all went...back rocking across the lake we went. We decided maybe canoeing was an activity we would do from now on...MINUS the dog.

But the pictures are nice :)

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