Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

On Wednesday, Will helped me celebrate my 26th birthday. This birthday was really special to me for a lot of reasons. My first actual birthday with Will, first married birthday, first CO birthday, etc., etc. Will went way out of his way to make sure that it was my best birthday yet. He took the day off and came to Steamboat to take my co-workers and me to lunch. He decorated our house with balloons, streamers and even a Happy Birthday banner :) I also had lots of presents to open from him as well as everyone who had sent me something. Will held my presents hostage and wouldn't let me open any of them until my actual birthday. I got lots of special presents and cards (THANK YOU)! I had a really aweseome birthday and felt really happy and loved on my favorite holiday :)

Winter has Arrived

Well...ready or not winter has arrived in CO. It snowed for 5 days straight and they are calling for another storm that will apparently have to be measured in FEET. Ugh. I woke up every morning and looked out the window just to see even more snow. It finally stopped snowing on Wednesday and the sun came back out but it is still really cold. Even though I knew it was coming I still don't think that I was mentally prepared. Everyone here is really excited though because snow = skiing. I don't really see what all the excitment is about but oh well :) Here are some snowy pics.

And just in case you were worried....Boone is staying warm :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Trick or....Turtle??

Boone really really really wanted to be a turtle for Halloween this year so we of course had to let him :) We put it on him a week or so before just to see how he would like's a video so you can see for yourself.

Will and I dressed up too, I was a detective and Will was Wolverine. It was the perfect costume for him...he looked exactly like him. We also carved pumpkins. We sat outside and had quite a few trick or treaters come through our neighborhood. We had a really good time and of course Boone was a big hit!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hanging Lake

Will and I decided to take a little day trip to celebrate our 6 months of marital bliss :) We drove to Glenwood Springs just an hour and a half away and had the most amazing day. We hiked up to a place called Hanging Lake. It is only a 1.5 mile hike but you climb over 1000 feet in elevation in that 1.5 miles. It was really steep and rocky and after a few short breaks (for me) we finally made it to the top. It was absolutely amazing! This coming from someone who doesn't always appreciate the beauty in nature, but this was beautiful for sure. The pictures definitely don't do it justice. But we turned a corner and way way way up on this mountain side was a lake, a beautiful, crystal clear water lake with water falling down from the rocks above. We were so blown away.

After our long, steep, wonderful hike we visited the Glenwood Hot Springs and soaked our (my) sore legs. We even took a ride down the waterslide together. It was the perfect trip and the perfect day.